Guided Tour of Two Exhibitions at H Queen's: "Park Seungmo Solo Exhibition" at Tang Contemporary Art & "A Double Listen - A sound-based exhibition and site-specific performance "

Date :
Saturday, 3 July 2021
Time :
11:00 Park Seungmo Solo Exhibition, 12:00 A Double Listen with Lunch on share-cost basis
Venue :
H Queen's, 80 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
Cost :
$150 Member; $250 Non-member
Limit :
10 (FULL)
Enquiries :
Linda Wang at or 9026 2881
Note :
If you wish to register, please send your registration form to


The HKU Museum Society is pleased to present two guided viewings at the H Queen’s.  The first exhibition Park Seungmo Solo Exhibition will be guided by Vivian Har, the executive director of Tang Contemporary’s. The second exhibition A Double Listen – A sound-based exhibition and site-specific performance will be guided by Louis Siu follow with an optional lunch.


Park Seungmo Solo Exhibition
Tang Contemporary started a new solo exhibition for a Korean artist, Park Seungmo. This exhibition features Park’s representative wire figurative sculptures from his famous Maya (Illusion) series, collected from New York, Berlin, and Seoul. His picturesque sculptures lead the audience to the momentary experience of the boundaries between reality and memory, truth and perception, and consciousness and longing.

Park’s works have always taken a prominent position in the art field and under the media spotlight, being featured in the Korean movie Parasite which was awarded for the 92nd Academy Awards of The Oscar. His works have also been displayed in more than 40 exhibitions worldwide, such as “Arena” at Taipei Fine Art Museum in 2017 and “Korean Eye” at Museum of Arts and Design in New York, USA 2011. Many museums, galleries, major enterprises and public figures have collected Park’s works as well.

For more information about the exhibition, please visit:



A Double Listen – A sound-based exhibition and site-specific performance
This exhibition is Toolbox Percussion’s venture into interdisciplinary practices, featuring sound artist and composer Alain Chiu’s new sound art installation where different objects and sounds are fragmentedly laid out in a finite space, leading audience to construct a sound afterimage, and unique listening experience. It encapsulates the work in the form of multimedia conflation of percussive sound and visualised installation, multi-channel audio work, and newly commissioned sound sequences.

For more information about the exhibition, please visit: