Guided Viewing: "Family Silver: Highlights from the Liang Yi Collection" at Liang Yi Museum

Date :
Friday, 19 November 2021
Time :
11:00 – 12:30
Venue :
Liang Yi Museum, 181-199 Hollywood Rd, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Cost :
$150 Member, $250 Non-member; Free for student with valid ID
Limit :
12 (FULL)
Enquiries :
Fifi Tsai at or Alice Ko at or 2241-5507
Note :
Optional lunch afterwards on share cost basis, please note that lunch is booked at Frantzen’s Kitchen. Details can be found below.
The HKU Museum Society is pleased to organize a guided tour of Family Silver:  Highlights from the Liang Yi Collection at Liang Yiu Museum with the Project Director of Silver Archiving.  
The exhibition presents 150 sets of historic silver from the 18th and 20th century drawn solely from the Museum’s permanent collection.  It showcases the heritage, design and craftsmanship of this rare metal.  The collection also explores the lineage of generations of silversmiths, and traces how silverware functions as family heirlooms.
More information about the silver exhibition can be found here:
Please note that lunch after the exhibition is booked at Frantzen’s Kitchen, a modern Nordic restaurant with Asian influence, where seating at the kitchen counter is recommended for a full experience.  Lunch menu features either a 3-course selection at $498 person, or a 6-course option at $798 per person.
More information about Frantzen’s Kitchen can be found here: