Private Viewing: 'Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty' With Lawrence Chan, Collector and Past Chairman of the Min Chiu Society

Date :
Thursday, 25 March 2021
Time :
10:30 – 12:30
Venue :
Hong Kong Museum of Art, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Cost :
$150 Member, $250 Non-member
Limit :
Enquiries :
Linda Wang at or 9026 2881

The HKU Museum Society is delighted to be extended a private guided viewing of the 60th Anniversary Exhibition of the Min Chiu Society held at the Hong Kong Museum of Art.  The Min Chiu Society is the premier collective of private collectors of fine Chinese arts and antiquities in Hong Kong. 

This exhibition showcases a splendid collection of masterpieces through the centuries in Chinese porcelain, ink paintings, textiles, furniture and more.  We are privileged to have Lawrence Chan, Chairman of the Organising Committee of this exhibition and Hilda Mak, Assistant Curator of Chinese Antiquities, to personally guide us through this spectacular array of rare and important objects of art, sharing the history and significance of each piece.

Lawrence Chan is the Chairman of the Organising Committee of the 60th Anniversary Exhibition.  He was Chairman of the Min Chiu Society from 2017-2019 and is the owner and publisher of Chinese Ceramics from the Dawentang Collection, 2020.

More information about the Min Chiu Society exhibition can be found here:

For an in-depth look of this tour, participant numbers are limited.  Your prompt registration is encouraged.