Piano Recital by Rodolfo Matulich

"I write the soundtrack of life as I see it, from my observatory suspended between earth and dreams…"
"In the music page I write of courage and joy, sometimes about the obscurity, absence and the vertigo of researching…" — Rodolfo Matulich

Composer Rodolfo Matulich will be playing to us the first part of 4 pieces – Crytal's Dreams, Emotional Sadness, Improvisation and All'Infinito – from his new album, the last of which will be publicly performed for the first time.

Join us for an Italian night of live music under the alluring gaze of Botticelli's Venus! The recital will be followed by a wine reception with the Composer.

Matulich got his diploma in pianoforte at the Music Academy of Alessandria, before he received a doctorate in composition from Regis University and Berklee College of Music in Boston (USA). He studied Film Scoring with Ennio Morricone at the Accademia Chigiana in Sienna and orchestra conducting with Descev and Schumacher in Lugano. Matulich has transcribed music by Mozart, Gounod, Bellini and Puccini for the Tokyo Quartet, the cadence of Bonifazio Asioli's Concerto for flute and orchestra for Andrea Griminelli, and he has also arranged pieces from Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana for the Symphonic Band within the Gianluigi Trovesi all'Opera project. He has conducted symphonies by Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Mozart and Brahms, and with the Symphonic Orchestras of Plovdiv, Shumen and Sophia, and has contacts with the New York "Countdown Entertainment" society.

The event is co-organized by the Italian Cultural Institute, the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong and Macau, the University Museum and Art Gallery at HKU and the HKU Museum Society.