Joint UMAG Programme - Guided Tour: “From Paris to Venice: A photographic journey by Willy Ronis” with Mr Matthieu Rivallin and Dr Florian Knothe

Date :
Saturday, 1 June 2019
Time :
11:00 – 12:00
Venue :
1/F, TT Tsui Building, UMAG, HKU
Cost :
Free of charge with registration
Enquiries :
Chung-Yan Chan at [email protected] or 2241-5507

Reporter, industrial photographer and illustrator, Willy Ronis (1910–2009) was one of the key figures of twentieth-century French photography. For eight decades, from the 1930s to the 2000s, he pointed his camera lens at the French people, criss-crossing the streets of the capital or the south of the country. Carefully selected from the enormous oeuvre Ronis left behind, the exhibition at the University Museum and Art Gallery offers an overview of the famous photographer’s work, the photographic genre he helped to create and the iconic views and pictorial compositions that assisted formulating the romantic imagery of Paris and other places that we hold dear today.

This guided tour will be led by co-curators Matthieu Rivallin and Florian Knothe who will speak about the life of Ronis and his image composition.


Image: Little Parisian. Willy Ronis, 1952. Photo credit: Willy Ronis, Ministère de la Culture / Médiathèque de l’architecture et du patrimoine / Dist RMN-GP ©️Donation Willy Ronis