Guided Viewing: Preview of Affordable Art Fair at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

Date :
Thursday, 4 Aug 2022
Time :
16:00 - 17:00
Venue :
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Cost :
$150 Member; $250 Non-member
Limit :
Enquiries :
Karina Kwok at / 9469-6094 or Patricia Lee at / 2241-5507
Note :
Attendees are required by the venue, except those exempted, to scan the "LeaveHomeSafe" QR code and comply with the requirement of the Vaccine Pass

The HKU Museum Society is pleased to present a guided viewing at the Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong with Mary Zhang, Fair Manager for Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong.

The annual Affordable Art Fair (AAF) will return for the nineth time to Hong Kong from 4 to 7 August 2022, showcasing thousands of contemporary artworks from over 60 hand-picked local and international galleries and exhibitors, of which over 50 of them are from Hong Kong.  AAF has been active in promoting local art and providing a platform for local art lovers to discover new and emerging Hong Kong artists and their thought-provoking works.

Ms. Zhang will give us a personal introduction and overview to the upcoming art fair ahead of its opening to the general public.