Guided Viewing: Painting Her Way: The Ink Art of Fang Zhaoling With Dr. David Fang Jinsheng

Date :
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Time :
18:00 – 19:00
Venue :
Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong CenterThe Hong Kong Jockey Club Former Explosives Magazine 9 Justice Drive Admiralty, Hong Kong
Cost :
$150 Member; $200 Non-member
Limit :
Enquiries :
Yvonne Choi at [email protected] or 9132-1669

The Executive Committee is pleased to organise a private tour of the exhibition Painting Her Way: The Ink Art of Fang Zhaoling with the artist’s son Dr. David Fang Jinsheng. Fang Zhaoling was one of the most innovative Chinese painters to emerge in the last decades of the 20th century. After receiving both the Western-style education newly available to a modern woman, and the master-disciple training of a traditional Chinese painter, Fang developed a personal style that is original, distinctive and powerful. Her artistic achievements and contributions to modern Chinese culture reflect women’s changing roles in the twentieth century.

Beyond biography and artistic development, the exhibition also considers how Fang, as a diasporic artist, played a particularly significant role in the revival of ink painting after chaotic reforms in the mid-century. It studies the period of development between traditional ink art of the past and its new direction, showcasing Fang as a bridge between two generations.

Resource Person
Dr. David Fang Jinsheng is the youngest of eight children of the artist Fang Zhaoling. He is a private orthopaedic surgeon and a tenor singer. Dr Fang continues to contribute to the University of Hong Kong as Honorary Professor of the Medical Faculty and Honorary Clinical Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery. He is President of The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, Honorary President of Arts with the Disabled Hong Kong and a founder member of Opera Hong Kong.