Guided Gallery Visit: "Recovery, Resilience, Resurgence" at Asia Society

Date :
Tuesday, 31 May 2022
Time :
11:00 Guided Gallery Visit, followed by 12:30 Lunch at Ammo Restaurant
Venue :
Asia Society Hong Kong Center, 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty
Cost :
$150 Member; $250 Non-member; Free for Student with valid ID
Limit :
Enquiries :
Patricia Lee at or 2241-5507
Note :
Optional lunch afterwards at Ammo Restaurant on share-cost basis. Attendees are required to use the "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile app for entry to the building, and must show proof of at least two doses of Covid-19 vaccinations.

Join us on a special gallery tour led by Joyce Ng, Head of Gallery and Exhibitions at Asia Society.

Asia Society Hong Kong Center’s current exhibition, Recovery, Resilience, Resurgence, showcases photos of old Hong Kong. The images span some thirty years of great change: from the postwar recovery in 1946 – 1947, through the resilience of the 1950s, to the resurgence of the 1960s – 1970s. These historical photographs were taken by three photographers, Hedda Morrison, Lee Fook Chee, and Brian Brake. Each had markedly different life backgrounds and photographic objectives.

Furthermore, in 2022 Asia Society celebrates a decade of guardianship of the heritage site in Admiralty. Since 2012, Asia Society has hosted a variety of arts and culture, business and policy programming and exhibitions for the community. 

More information about Asia Society’s photography exhibition can be found here: