Decoding the Chinese Language and Characters with Professor Sin Chow-Yiu (in Cantonese)

Date :
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Time :
15:00 - 16:30
Venue :
1/F, Fung Ping Shan Building, UMAG, HKU
Cost :
Free admission. All are welcome.
Note :
Light tea refreshments will be served.

「尖沙咀」、「敗北」與「造詣」 – 漢字漢語解碼

「尖沙咀」能否說成「尖沙口」?「敗北」能否說成「敗南」、「敗東」、「敗西」?「造詣」能否說成「做詣」? 如果不能,為甚麼不能?不知道答案的,歡迎前來尋找答案。


The Museum Society and UMAG are pleased to jointly present the second of two talks on Chinese calligraphy and philology.

Professor Sin Chow-Yiu will take us on a journey to decode the Chinese language and characters through uncovering the meanings and shapes of the Chinese characters, understanding etymology and character identification, and enhancing one's mastery of Chinese by understanding a character's original and extended meanings.

Professor Sin Chow-Yiu, who has taught at The University of Hong Kong for over 37 years, is currently Vice-President (Academic) and Head of the Department of Chinese, Hong Kong Buddhist College. He is also Honorary Professor at the School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong; Fellow at The Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences; Member of the Academic Consultative Committee, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica; and Honorary Research Fellow of Tsinghua University. His research interests include Chinese paleography, phonology, etymology, excavated texts, Cantonese dialect, and the Zuozhuan (左傳).