"Dance Melodies in Colours – Paintings by Lalan" with Zhao Jialing and Jean-Michel Beurdeley
As part of this year’s Le French May 2011, UMAG will present an exhibition, "Dance Melodies in Colours – Paintings by Lalan (神韻舞色 : 謝景籣繪畫)". Also known as Xie Jing Lan (1921–1995), Lalan was first married to abstract master Zao Wou-ki (趙無極). She lived in France for almost 50 years and her artworks undoubtedly reflect the dual influences of both China and France. A woman ahead of her time, Lalan lived her life with passion and courage as an accomplished painter, composer, dancer, choreographer and poet.
Our evening’s programme will begin with a short video of Lalan’s dance and music followed with a guided tour of the exhibition with Zhao Jialing, the only son of Lalan and Zao Wou-ki. Naturally, family stories and interesting artistic insights will be shared.
In addition, Jean-Michel Beurdeley, a close friend of Lalan and Zhao will be present. In 1992, Beurdeley was introduced to Lalan during an exhibition at Guimet Museum in Paris named Journees <<pour la Poesie>>. Fascinated by Lalan’s work, he became an ardent collector of her work and promised to publish her first art album. However, with her untimely death, the album could not materialise.
Coming from four generations of art collectors, Beurdeley was an art dealer who frequently travelled to Asia, promoting art and cultural exchanges between Europe and Asia. He has authored four other publications, including "Thai Forms, Jim Thompson, The House on the Klong, and Following the Manuscript and The Heritage of Thai Sculpture", which won an award from Academie Francaise.
Do join us for an evening of art and friendship.