Come Join with Friends: Members' Garden Party "Flora & Fauna - Fun & Friendship"

Date :
Saturday, 25th January 2025
Time :
14:00 - 17:00 (14:00pm Registration, 14:30pm Welcome reception)
Venue :
The University Lodge, No 1, University Drive, HK
Cost :
Member $350, Member's Friend $200 (Member is free if bringing 5 or more friends)
Enquiries :
Monica Wong at [email protected] / 2241-5507
Note :
Dress: Floral - Chinese Festive


Please join us for a New Year of celebrating art & friendship! Our Patron Mrs. Jane Zhang will open her home for a Members’ Garden Party at the University Lodge. You are cordially invited to join and bring along friends for a fun-filled afternoon with tea buffet, festive activities, music, singing, calligraphy and photography with award-winning images on flora & fauna.

Kindly RSVP by 10 January 2025