Chen Chun and Wang Chong in the History of Chinese Calligraphy: The Illuminative Case of the Thousand-Character Essay in the Bei Shan Tang Collection, with Professor Harold Mok (in Cantonese)

Date :
Saturday, 11 May 2013
Time :
15:00 - 16:30
Venue :
1/F, Fung Ping Shan Building, UMAG, HKU
Cost :
Free admission. All are welcome.
Note :
Light tea refreshments will be served.

陳淳與王寵的書史地位 – 從北山堂所藏兩件《千字文》說起


In classical China, the artist's adherence to traditional values featured prominently in the evaluation of an artist's art. This partly explains why Chen Chun and Wang Chong, both active in the mid-Ming in Suzhou, have been viewed disparagingly in the history of Chinese calligraphy despite their comparable yet distinctive artistic accomplishments. This lecture will make use of two pieces of the Thousand-Character Essay, the same text – one written by Chen Chun as an album, and the other by Wang Chong as a handscroll – both of which are in the Bei Shan Tang Collection. We will compare and contrast the calligraphic style of the two masters, discuss their relative importance in the history of Chinese calligraphy as described in Ming and later texts, and examine certain phenomena in traditional calligraphic evaluation.

Professor Harold Mok (莫家良教授) was educated at The University of Hong Kong, and received his D.Phil. degree from the University of Oxford. Since 1989, he has taught Chinese art history, particularly Chinese painting and calligraphy in the Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and is at present Professor and Chairman in the Department. He has carried out several research projects on Hong Kong calligraphy, Model-calligraphies at the Chunhua Archive, and calligraphy of private secretariats. He is also editor of several issues of the Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook, the exhibition catalogue Double Beauty II: Qing Couplets from the Lechangzai Xuan Collection, and a number of books on Chinese art history, including Chronology of Hong Kong Calligraphy (1901-1950).